Hit the ground running with Intrepid’s full line of Automotive Ethernet tools!
Automotive Ethernet (AE) represents the latest challenge to the status quo in automotive networking. Many OEMs are now moving forward with this exciting new technology, which promises high performance at low cost, especially for infotainment applications.
Capturing Automotive Ethernet Frames
Automotive Ethernet traffic cannot be monitored using the same techniques employed for buses like CAN. Ethernet networks use star topology, so there is no single point to monitor an entire network. The sophisticated technology employed also means bit values cannot be interpreted directly from voltage levels. Finally, Ethernet hardware silently discards erroneous frames, making diagnosing problem conditions difficult. Intrepid’s tools are designed to address all of these issues conveniently and efficiently.

The RAD-Moon is a USB-powered media converter for connecting BroadR-Reach® (100BASE-T1) and standard 100 Mb/s Ethernet (100BASE-TX) .
RAD-Moon 2
RAD-Moon 2 allows you to convert from 100/1000BASE-T1 Automotive Ethernet to standard 10/100/1000 Ethernet, useful for connecting a PC to a 100/1000BASE-T1 host or switch.
RAD-Star 2
The RAD-Star 2 is an Automotive Ethernet active tap and media converter used to transmit and receive on a BroadR-Reach® (100BASE-T1) network. It also has CAN and CAN FD.
RAD-Galaxy是BroadR-Reach®(100BASE-T1)多路动态监控/媒介转换器,具有12路车载以太网和8路CAN FD通道。
The RAD-Gigastar is the most versatile Automotive Ethernet network tap available. The RAD-Gigastar works as an active tap, media converter, vehicle interface, and Ethernet data logger.
Intrepid’s RAD-Jupiter is a rugged 7-port managed switch designed specifically for bench and vehicle network development. In addition to its Ethernet functionality, it integrates many of the key CAN, LIN, and scripting features found in our ValueCAN 4 family of tools.
Vehicle Spy Supports Automotive Ethernet
Intrepid’s Vehicle Spy 3 software analyzes and saves Automotive Ethernet data. You can view CAN, LIN, Automotive Ethernet and video data on one screen, time-aligned with an accuracy of 10 ns. Examine live data and load data logger captures to see when a test operator pressed a trigger button, synchronized with video frame captures and Automotive Ethernet frames.

Automotive Ethernet - The Definitive Guide
- BroadR-Reach®
- Switch technology
- Real-time protocols
- Audio Video Bridging
- IEEE physical layers
- Electromagnetic compatibility issues
- Much more!